Freedom Lives

July 17, 2004

Family Day

I took the girls for a little ride today. First we stopped at a local Nursery and then I took them down to Fry's since neither of them had ever been there.

We looked at washing machines and very expensive TV's but made no purchases in those sections.
I tried to interest my wife in a getting a new PC but when she saw the new I-mac's I lost her. I wish there was a PC manufacturer they made boxes as snazzy looking as Apple does.

The kid wanted to get a game for "my" Xbox but she couldn't find what she was looking for and so ended up getting a game for the gameboy.

I finally got something with the money I received on my birthday. as you may (or may not) recall I spent most of my cash present on fixing the riding mower and replacing my wife's windshield. Today I broke down and got part of what I wanted to get. I wanted to get several seasons of Babylon 5 on DVD but settled for season 2.
Now I think I will go watch it.

Posted by Starhawk at 10:50 PM | Home and Family | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)