Freedom Lives

December 20, 2003

Gary Stewart dies

I read about Gary Stewart dying today.

He shot himself.
Gary was only 59.

I wasn't much a fan of his music and couldn't even find any of his mp3's online when I looked.
His wife of 42 years died last month. That means they married when he was just 17. His son died in 1988 also of a suicide.
I can understand depression but I can't understand suicide.

With all my problems I just feel lucky that both my wife and daughter are in good health. you can always make more money (I hope) and buy a new car if need be but if you don't have your health you dont' have anything.

Update: From a post on

Stop and consider this: Gary Stewart's contemporary Billy Joe Shaver lost everything in the past few years. All of his loved ones -- his mother, his wife, and his son (who was also his musical partner) -- were gone in a short span of time. His career went away. He suffered a massive heart attack. He was knocked down to his knees but he's gotten up and fought back and actually gone on to create new music. What's the difference between Gary Stewart and Billy Joe Shaver? Why did one pick up the gun and why did the other go back to pick up the microphone? I don't know.

Some people are survivors.

Posted by Starhawk at 06:57 PM | Misc. | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)