Freedom Lives

April 20, 2007

A True hero

When you go over to Meryl's be sure to read this post about Liviu Librescu who stands out in the Virginia Tech affair as someone deserving of a lot more attention than he is getting.

Posted by Starhawk at 06:16 AM | History | Comments (0)

Random thoughts

After posting the last post I looked at my search log and noticed that there seemed to be a lot of searches on Eleanor of Aquitaine.

I didn't remember the reference myself so I did the search and came up with this quote of the day.

The post was from 2003 and an imprt from the old blogspot site that never got cleaned up. I cleaned it up a bit and got to thinking about other things.

When I first started this blog on June 21, 2002 I had an idea what I wanted to do. Part of it was a personal log which I still manage to do when I get around to posting. The other part relates to the name Freedom Lives which I have been somewhat less successful at. Not that our freedom's are in any less danger because they are if anything in more danger but there are other people doing that better than I , then as well as now even though the blogosphere landscape had changed a lot so that many of the blogs I "grew up" with have passed into history a long time ago.

One of the ones that hasn't and was one of my early supporters is the one done by Meryl Yourish. If you have not visited there I urge you to follow the link because it is worth your time.

As for me I think I need a bit of a redirection and redesign so that will be in the future. the redirection will not be that radical because I still intend to post on things that bother me especially concerning the pitiful state of our colleges and universities as well as all the other things that piss me off. The redesign will have to wait on funds and in the short run might only consist of a new name The Hawk's Nest which will signal more of a personal rather than a political orientation and more pictures once I get a response form Flickr tech support.

Posted by Starhawk at 06:04 AM | Housekeeping | Comments (0)

Degrees of Geekiness

I was just in bed, at 5am, just lying these and thinking about a problem I have to solve at work today and came up with a good way to do it.
I thought to myself, "If thinking about programming problems at 4am is not geeky what is?"



Posted by Starhawk at 05:41 AM | Home and Family | Comments (6380)

April 07, 2007

new pictures

I should be posting some new pictures pretty soon whenever I figure out how flickr works.

First I will post some from last year that I took with my trusty sony 2.1 mp, then my new toy.

I finally broke down and ordered a canon a630 from two weeks ago.
They told me it was back ordered and I exchanged email with them for several days even offering to upgrade to the a640 which by the time I did they were sold out of that too.

After a few days of this non happiness with their continued inabilitiy to get me the product I ordered I canceled it and went to my old stand by Amazon,

I odered the A640 and it came very few days later. I have used it just a little and just got my new Sd cards for it but already I am very happy and hope to post all my new garden pictures sortly.

Posted by Starhawk at 07:34 PM | Home and Family | Comments (0)

Global warming

Yesterday is was 71 today it is 41 tomorrow 47.
I hate global warming.
Monday it will be back in the 70's I can live with that.

Posted by Starhawk at 07:23 PM | Houston | Comments (0)